Week 12: The other 10? Spreads

So the assignment originally calls for 10 more spreads (10+10 = 20 * 2 =40 pages). However page 1 and page 40 are not actual spreads. We're not able to print on the inside of the covers, so there's 2 individual pages...and the 9 spreads.

The first spread finishes off the extended article on social change and social media. I created an image of the famous "HUELGA" image of Delores Huerta in Illustrator to go with the motif of the article...iconic to some people...others may never recognize it. (Something I intended). I also wanted to showcase some of the internet-created art that comes out of the spur of the moment...sometimes known as "memes."

As I mentioned in my last post, I knew that I would not have enough content to fill up the magazine, however just adding art did not fit with the concept that I'd created for this project. However I knew artists that were religious friars who had plenty of art and were rarely ever showcased. I asked these artists if I could use their work and they were elated to share it with me.

This series of chalk drawings are an important aspect of composing for others' work. My black line drawings had little color and I found it complicated to integrate the work. Now that I was handling someone else's art, I felt a mandate to showcase it in the best possible way. In my interpretation, I tried to create an aesthetic in the positioning of the art with the white space, and made sure that the text and body copy did distract from the art.

Unfortunately I ran out of ideas to use for text to compliment the art.

The second artist I used also is part of the order and was happy to contribute. His work varied over different mediums, so rather than try to portray a story, such as the spreads before, I wanted to use the magazine space to feature the variety of the work. The intricate Tau symbol worked perfect as the dropcap for this article, even though the rest of the article mimics the rest of the magazine.

Showcasing the various art pieces, I used different sized images to do this. It also shows the different scales of art as well.

While not really a spread, these pages serve as the "catch-all" or the "mail-bag" of a magazine. One discusses the construction of the cover, while the other is an article based on my midterm blog.

This page is the standard "About Me" paired with my first advertisement...an ad for religious vocations to the Capuchin Franciscans. I found the process of making the ad to be something of an interesting experience, as it seeks to reach out to an individual and call them to a specific answer. These are sometimes subtle or direct. I focused on the ideas of people, who are discerning a religious vocation, have about making a life-changing decision.  This ad received positive response from our Vocations Director.


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